ijiwei Talk EP56: Is Open RAN the future or a security threat?

来源:爱集微 #ijiweiTalk# #JWInsights#

The idea of allowing RAN hardware and software from different vendors to communicate has aroused numerous debates. Opponents like Ericsson has openly criticized the potential security loopholes with this architecture. Under the spotlight, is Open RAN a future for more resilient network, or an immature security threat? In this video, Dr. Kevin Curran from Ulster University, elaborates on the pros and cons of Open RAN. Dr. Curran is a professor of Cyber Security, Executive Co-Director of the Legal Innovation Centre, and an IEEE Technical Expert for Internet/Security matters since 2008.

责编: 刘燚
来源:爱集微 #ijiweiTalk# #JWInsights#



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