Chinese smart mobility solution provider Desay SV works with Qualcomm to develop its 4th Generation Intelligent Cabin System

来源:爱集微 #Markets# #Desay SV# #Qualcomm# #EV#

By Li Panpan

(JW Insights) Feb 24 -- Chinese smart mobility solution provider Desay SV (德赛西威) is intensively developing its 4th Generation Intelligent Cabin System based on Qualcomm’s 4th Generation Snapdragon® Cockpit Platforms. It has received customer orders, said the company recently.

Desay SV and Qualcomm announced to work together on producing Desay SV’s 4th Generation Intelligent Cabin System on January 4, 2022. The system will feature a high-performance compute, AI engine, multi-sensor processing, and rich network connectivity capabilities, and provide automakers with leading digital cockpit solutions to bring safer, more comfortable, and efficient mobility to users, said the company in the announcement last year.

Founded in 1986, listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2012, Desay SV is headquartered in Huizhou, southern China’s Guangdong Province. As an automotive electronics company, it focuses on intelligent mobility solutions, including Smart Cabin, Smart Drive and Smart Service.

责编: 张未名
来源:爱集微 #Markets# #Desay SV# #Qualcomm# #EV#



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